The obnoxious divisive right wing narrative is indeed a problem, but the smooth-talking compassionate-sounding nonsense that passes for "public" radio the past 20 years is perhaps a greater totalitarian threat. Most of my lifelong lefty friends still not woken up to this aspect of the divide-and-rule strategy of the bosses. I don't know where you stand on the covid phenomena, but it was a wake-up call to many on the right who simply prefer obnoxiousness to the destruction of free speech and the silent, smiling, trauma-free kill.
The obnoxious divisive right wing narrative is indeed a problem, but the smooth-talking compassionate-sounding nonsense that passes for "public" radio the past 20 years is perhaps a greater totalitarian threat. Most of my lifelong lefty friends still not woken up to this aspect of the divide-and-rule strategy of the bosses. I don't know where you stand on the covid phenomena, but it was a wake-up call to many on the right who simply prefer obnoxiousness to the destruction of free speech and the silent, smiling, trauma-free kill.
They Thought They Were Free. The Germans, 1933-1945... Historian Milton Mayer.
(short extract)